But I will not shed tears, for you will be going to a better place where we will meet again.

I am afraid your departure this time will result in the longest parting between us. I will really miss the bright smile that made my day it's hard to believe that you are no more amongst us.I extend my thoughts and feelings to your family. I feel saddened to hear the news of your untimely death. I still can't believe the fact that I will never be able to meet you in this life.I pray to God to bring peace and solace to your family at this time. I don’t have the words to express my grief. I only have the memories to live with now.You ruled the hearts of people around you and will do so in paradise too. Some rule this land and think of themselves to be kings.I promise to keep you alive in my memories. I wish we had more time to do and say the things we saved for later, which, along with you, is gone forever. It always seems like we have all the time in the world, only to realize how fleeting it is.On this day, our hearts are heavy for losing someone so special, but we also celebrate your life as we mourn your death. We are never ready to say goodbye forever, even though we know it is a part of life.However, with the perfect may he rest in peace message, you can express your feelings and sentiments without being too wordy. What do you say when an uncle dies? The words for such a message or quote are hard to create, considering your grieving situation.
Guide on how to plan a birthday party and get everything right My uncle passed away message Short condolence message for uncle.
His soul had done what it came to do, learned what it came to learn, and then was free to leave. He died that day because his body had served its purpose.The beautiful moments you shared with us will always speak of the great person that you were. You will be missed forever and always.I know mourning is not the best way to say goodbye to you, but I don’t know how to control myself! I don’t know how to console my grieving heart at your departure.You have left some beautiful memories that will never fade from my heart.

How do you say rest in peace to a family member? Make your pick of the best may you rest in peace quotes reliant on your circumstance and free yourself from the burden of grief.